The Southern Fans' College Football Poll: Pac-10 Coaching Board - Week 2

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Pac-10 Coaching Board - Week 2

1 Carroll
USC has everything going it's way heading into the game against Ohio State. Carroll is the best big game coach in the country, and with two weeks to prepare, he's going to end up with a 10 point victory, but I think it's going to be closer than advertised through most of the game. Call it 38-27.

2 Bellotti
Bellotti and the Ducks travel to West Lafayette for a big non-conference game against Purdue. With Slick Rick right on his heels, Bellotti needs a big win to stay at No. 2.
3 Neuheisel
Neuheisel tries to improve to 2-0, but has to face BYU on Saturday. A win with his third string QB would move Slick Rick to No. 2; and even a close loss combined with a Oregon loss would move him up.
4 Erickson
Arizona St
So apparently the Sun Devils are calling for UGA. Dennis might want to remind them that though he's their coach, the team isn't anywhere near the players he had at Miami in the early 90's; hell they aren't the same team as he had in Corvallis in the late 90's.

5 Tedford
I think Cal won last week. Or maybe they didn't play; honestly don't know, and am too tired to check. Go Bears!

6 Harbaugh
And Stanford was knocked back down to earth.

7 Stoops
Hey look at that; Stoops moves up. Well done Stoops; thank Mike Riley for having a sucky team.

8 M. Riley
Oregon St
Riley and Co. were obliterated in Happy Valley last weekend. Things aren't going to get any better once the Pac-10 schedule picks up. (Seriously; I'm not kidding.)

9 Paul Wulff
Wash St
Wash St is god-awful; ESPN won't actually give score updates, but I think they lost to Baylor on Friday. Thank God for Washington.

10 T. Willingham
Everyone else blames the bad refs. I blame Ty for not coaching special teams.


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